
Journal Papers


(J17)  E. Fantino; R. Flores; G. Donnarumma; D. Canales; K. C. Howell; Direct low-energy trajectories to Near-Earth Objects; Acta Astronautica (Q1 IF: 3.5), January 2025; DOI:10.1016/j.actaastro.2025.01.020

(J16) Baker-McEvilly, B; Aluvihare, H; Perera, S.; Canales, D.; A Reduced-Complexity Trajectory Generation Algorithm for Three-Body Regimes with Minimum Predefined Data; Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (Q1 IF: 4.4), September 2024; DOI:10.1109/TAES.2024.3465502

(J15) Canales, D.; Howell K.; Understanding Flow around Planetary Moons via Finite-Time Lyapunov Exponent Maps; Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy (Q1 IF: 1.7), September 2024; DOI:10.1007/s10569-024-10213-3 

(J14) F. Criscola; D. Canales; D. Mortari; Application of the Theory of Functional Connections on the Perturbed Lambert's Problem; Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy (Q1 IF: 1.7), August 2024; DOI:10.1007/s10569-024-10212-4

(J13) Baker-McEvilly, B.; Bhadauria, S.; Canales, D.; Frueh, C.; A comprehensive review on Cislunar expansion and space domain awareness; Progress in Aerospace Sciences (Q1 IF: 9.6), July 2024; DOI:10.1016/j.paerosci.2024.101019

(J12) McCann, B.; Anderson, A.; Nazari, M.; Canales, D.; Circular Restricted Full Three-Body Problem with Rigid-Body Spacecraft Dynamics in Binary Asteroid Systems; Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy (Q1 IF: 1.7); January 2024; DOI: 10.1007/s10569-024-10180-9


(J11) Anderson, A.; McCann, B.; Canales, D.; Nazari, M.; Utilizing the Geometric Mechanics Framework to Predict Attitude in a Full Ephemeris Model of the Cislunar Region; CNSNS; August 2023; DOI: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2023.107726

(J10) Richichi, A.; Fors, O.; Canales, D.; Patel, K.; Mendoza, L.; Bevilacqua, R.; Eikenberry, S.; Gomez, J.M.; Lunar Occultation Events From the Earth-Moon Equilateral Lagrangian Point: Simulations and Scientific Potential; Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society; August 2023; DOI: 0.1093/mnras/stad3473

(J9) Canales, D.; Perera, S.; Kurttisi, A.; Baker-McEvilly, B.; A Low Complexity Algorithm to Determine Motion in Multi-Body Environments; The Journal of Astronautical Sciences; October 2023; DOI: 10.1007/s40295-023-00416-5

(J8) Canales, D.; Howell C., K.; Fantino, E.; Gilliam, A.; Incorporation of trajectory behaviors in the vicinities of different planetary moons using Finite-Time Lyapunov Exponent Maps; Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics; July 2023; DOI: 10.2514/1.G007195

(J7) Patel, K.; Mendoza, L.; Canales, D.; Bevilacqua, R.; Eikenberry, S.; Fors, O.; Gomez, J. M.; Richichi, A.; Controlled Short-Period Orbits around Earth-Moon Equilateral Libration Points for Lunar Occultations; Acta Astronautica; July 2023;  DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2023.07.015 

(J6) Nazari, M.; Canales, D.; Mc Cann, B.; Butcher, E.; Howell C., K.; Framework for the Full N-Body Problem in SE(3) and its Reduction to the Circular Restricted Full Three-Body Problem; Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy; June 2023; DOI: 10.1007/s10569-023-10156-1

(J5) Salvador-Sole, E.; Manrique, A.; Canales, D.; Botella, I.; Accurate Analytic Mass-Scale Relations for Dark Matter Haloes of all Masses and Redshifts; Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, February 2023; DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2303.0332


(J4) Canales, D.; Howell C., K.; Fantino, E.; A versatile moon-to-moon transfer design method for applications involving libration point orbits; Acta Astronautica, June 2022; DOI:10.1016/j.actaastro.2022.06.010

Before ERAU

(J3) Canales, D.; Gupta, M.; Park, B.; Howell C., K.; A Transfer Trajectory Framework for the Exploration of Phobos and Deimos Leveraging Resonant Orbits; Acta Astronautica, February 2022; DOI:10.1016/j.actaastro.2022.02.001 

(J2) Salvador-Solé, E.; Manrique, A.; Canales, D.; Botella, I.; An Accurate Comprehensive Approach to Substructure: III. Masses and Formation Times of the Host Haloes; Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, February 2022; DOI:10.1093/mnras/stac067 

(J1) Canales, D.; Howell C., K.; Fantino, E.; Transfer design between neighborhoods of planetary moons in the circular restricted three-body problem; Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy; Vol. 133, Number 36, July 2021, pp. 36; July 2021; 

Conference Papers

2025 AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting

(C41)  L. Mendoza Zambrano, F. Criscola, D. Canales, R. Bevilacqua, S. Eikenberry,  O. Fors, J. Gomez,  A. Richichi, E. Georgoulis, Solar Sailing Periodic Orbits Around Earth-Moon Libration Point L4 for Lunar Occultations.

(C40) B. Baker-McEvilly, D. Canales,  Sirani M. Perera, Study of Uncertainty in the Prediction of Cislunar Trajectories using a Low-complexity Algorithm

(C39) S. G. Jo, D. Canales, K. Howell, Introducing Ghrist's Universal Templates and Isolating Blocks to Categorize Motion through the L2 Earth-Moon Gateway

2025 SciTech Conference, January 2025, Orlando, Florida

(C38)  V. Stafford, D. Canales, A. M. Krishnan, R. Moskowitz, Embedded Audio Processing and Neural Networks for Uncrewed Aircraft Detection. DOI:10.2514/6.2025-0632

(C37) R. Jancsik, D. Canales, Y. Jiang, Flow Dynamics of Lunar Regolith for In Situ Utilization and Transportation. DOI:10.2514/6.2025-1755

(C36) J. Schmitt, M. Palomo, S. Jo, A. Anderson, D. Canales, A. Garcia, Analysis of LiDAR and Point Cloud Registration Algorithms for Spacecraft Rendezvous and Precision Landing on the Moon. DOI:10.2514/6.2025-1415

(C35) V. Patel, B. Baker-McEvilly, D. Canales, S. Mututhanthrige Perera, Realignment Technique on a Low-Complexity Algorithm for Orbit Prediction in the Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem. DOI:10.2514/6.2025-2431

75th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), October 2024, Milano, Italy

(C34) A. Singla, F. Criscola, D. Canales, J. A. Fraire, F. Betortz, A. Calveras, J. A. Ruiz-de-Azua, Integrating satellite and network operations for NB-IoT NTN connectivity: In-orbit test design of the Constellation Management System.

(C33) L. Mendoza Zambrano, R. Bevilacqua, D. Canales, F. Criscola, A. Richichi, J. M. Gomez, O. Fors, S. Eikenberry, A. Aran, Fuel-Optimal Trajectories of the Perturbed Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem for Lunar Occultation Applications.

ASPIRE - the HFES International Annual Meeting, September 2024, Phoenix, Arizona

(C32) M. Aros, K. Cooks, L. Materne, J. Huggins, J. Anderson, J. Geliga-Torres, B. Chaparro, D. Canales; Applying User-Centered Design to Space Mission Planning.

2024 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, August 2024, Broomfield, Colorado

(C31) E. Martinez-Samaniego, M. Aros, L. Bader, J. Schmitt, L. Auerback, J. Anderson, K. Cooks, D. Canales, B. S. Chaparro, D. Guzzetti; (AAS 24-254) A Human-Centric Comparative Analysis of Trajectory Design Methods for Multi-Body Dynamics.

(C30) A. Anderson, H. Gunter, D. Canales, M. Nazari; (AAS 24-214) Attitude Prediction in a Near- Rectilinear Halo Orbit Using a Full Higher-Fidelity Ephemeris Model.

(C29) S. G. Jo, A. Sinha, M. Palomo, J. Graebner, A. Anderson, J. Schmitt, D. Canales, R. Beeson; (AAS 24-226) Global Analysis of Optimal Trajectories from Earth-Moon 9:2 Near Rectilinear Halo Orbit to Low-Lunar Orbits.

(C28) S. G. Jo, V. Patel, D. Seo, D. Canales; (AAS 24-173) Spacecraft Rendezvous and Proximity Operation Control in the Cislunar Region.

The 16th International Conference on Advances in Satellite and Space Communications (SPACOMM 2024), May 2024, Barcelona, Spain

(C27) Singla, A.; Criscola, F.; Canales, D.; Calveras, A.; Fraire, J. A.; Ruiz-de-Azua, J. A.; Integrating Satellite Constellation and Mobile Operations for Non-Terrestrial Networks: Preliminary Results of Dynamic Scheduling

4th International Conference on Space Situational Awareness, May 2024, Daytona Beach, Florida

(C26) Jo, S.; Canales, D.; Analysis of Non-Linear Orbit Determination in the Cislunar Region using the Linearized State Transition Matrix

2024 SciTech Conference, January 2024, Orlando, Florida
(C25) Anderson, J.; Materne, L.; Cooks, K.; Aros, M.; Huggins, J.; Geliga-Torres, J.; Kuykendall, K.; Canales, D.; Chaparro, B.; Immersive Framework for Designing Trajectories Using Augmented Reality
(C24) Criscola, F.; Hudson, Z.; Singla, A.; Calveras, A.; Ruiz-de-Azua, J.A.; Canales, D.; Enhancing Efficiency and Autonomy in 5G-IoT Satellite Constellation Management
(C23) Baker-McEvilly, B.; Bhadauria Jr., S.; Rose, J.; Canales, D.; Frueh, C.; Cho, H.; Performance of Observational Spacecraft Across Orbit Families for Space Domain Awareness in the Cislunar Realm
(C22) Patel, K.; Ramirez, L.; Canales, D.; Rojas, E.; Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Detection Using Acoustics and Quantum Signal Processing
74th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), October 2023, Baku, Azerbaijan
(C21) Canales, D.; Fantino, E.; Howell, K.; Flores, R.; Design of Optimal Spatial Low-Energy Trajectories to Near-Earth Objects
2023 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Meeting, August 2023, Big Sky, Montana
(C20) Zambrano, L.; Criscola, F.; Canales D.; Bevilacqua, R.; Eikenberry, S.; Fors, O.;  Gómez Cama, J.; Richichi, A.; (Preprint) AAS 23-334 Feedback Control Methods on Short-Period Orbits of the Earth-Moon Equilateral Libration Points
(C19) McCann, B.; Anderson, A.; Nazari, M.; Canales, D.; (Preprint) AAS 23-315 Local Stability of Equilibria in the Circular-Restricted Full Three Body Problem
(C18) McCann, B.; Anderson, A.; Nazari, M.; Canales, D.; Beeson, R.; (Preprint) AAS 23-318 On-Manifold Pose Optimization on SE(3) for Spacecraft Coverage Maximization
(C17) Criscola, F.; Hudson, Z.; Canales, D.; Mortari, D.; Solution of the Perturbed Lambert's Problem Using the Theory of Functional Connections
33rd AAS/AIAA Spaceflight Mechanics Meeting, January 2023, Austin, Texas
(C16) Doroba, S.; Kale, R.; Canales, D.; Cho, H.; Eikenberry, S.; Fors, O.; Gomez, J. M.; Richichi, A.; Leveraging the Moon and Stable Libration Point Orbits Around L4/L5 to Observe the Solar Corona
(C15) McCann, B.; Anderson, A.; Nazari, M.; Canales, D.; Rigid-Body Spacecraft Dynamics Analysis in a Binary System Using Formulation in Lie Groups
(C14) Anderson, A.; McCann, B.; Canales, D.; Nazari, M.; Orbit and Attitude Coupling in the Full Higher-Fidelity Ephemeris Model within the Context of the Geometric Mechanics Framework
(C13) Anderson, J.; Anderson, A.; Zuehlke, D.; Canales, D.; Lovell, T.; Resident Space Object Identification in Arbitrary Unresolved Space Images
(C12) Baker-McEvilly, B.; Doroba, S.; Gilliam, A.; Criscola, F.; Canales, D.; Frueh, C.; and Henderson, T.; A Review on Hot-spot Areas within the Cislunar Region and upon the Moon Surface, and Methods to Gather Passive Information from these Regions
(C11) Canales, D.; Perera, S.; Kurttis, A.; Baker-McEvilly, B.; Henderson, T.; A Low-Complexity Algorithm to Determine Motion in the Circular Restricted Three-body Problem
(C10) Mortari, D.; Criscola, F.; Canales, D.; Perturbed Lambert Problem Using the Theory of Functional Connections
(C9) Criscola, F.; Singla, A.; Ponce, E.; Calveras, A.; Ruiz-de-Azua, J.; Canales, D.; Development of a Simulator for Coverage Planning of a 6G/IoT Constellation
(C8) Singla, A.; Criscola, F.; Ponce, E.; Canales, D.; Calveras, A.; Ruiz-de-Azua, J.; Towards 6G Non-Terrestrial Networks - An Autonomous Constellation Management Engine
2022 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, August 2022, Charlotte, North Carolina
(C7) Nazari, M.; Canales, D.; McCann, B.; Butcher, E. A.; Howell C., K.; Full N-Body Problem in the Geometric Mechanics Framework and its Reduction to Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem
(C6) Malik, A.; Canales, D.; Yow, T.; Posada, D.; Hays, C., W.; Zuehlke, D.; Henderson, T.; Computation of Relative Orbital Motion Using Product of Exponentials Mapping
Before ERAU
(C5) Canales, D.; Howell C., K.; Fantino, E.; Leveraging Finite Time Lyapunov Exponent Maps to Design Tours Incorporating Three Moons; ASCEND 2021, Las Vegas; November 2021 
(C4) Canales, D.; Howell C., K.; Fantino, E.; Using Finite-Time Lyapunov Exponent Maps for Planetary Moon-Tour Design; AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Big Sky, Montana; August 2021 
(C3) Canales, D.; Gupta, M.; Park, B.; Howell C., K.; Exploration of Deimos and Phobos leveraging Resonant Orbits; 31st AAS/AIAA Spaceflight Mechanics Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina; February 2021 
(C2) Canales, D.; Howell C., K.; Fantino, E.; Moon-to-Moon Transfer Methodology for Multi-Moon Systems in the Coupled Spatial Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem; AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference; Lake Tahoe, California; August 2020 
(C1) Salvador-Solé, E.; Manrique, A; Canales, D.; Galaxy Formation and Reionization; Frontier Research in Astrophysics; 2018 

Invited Talks and Research Seminars

(T10) Canales, D.; “Revolutionizing Spacecraft Trajectory Design: Augmented Reality Approach for Space Mission Design and Surveillance with User-Centered Design Principles”, at the Navigation and Mission De- sign Branch at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (March 20th, 2024)

(T9) Canales, D.; “CubeSats at Earth-Moon L4/L5: astrodynamics and technology feasibility for study- ing Cislunar environment”, at the special technical session at the Small Satellites & Services International Forum, M ́alaga, Spain (February 20th, 2024)

(T8) Baker-Mc.Evilly, B., Canales, D.; “Challenges, Solutions, and Observational Strategies for Enhanced Space Domain Awareness in Cislunar Space”, at the special technical session AIAA ASCEND Space 2050, Planetary Protection & Space Security with Lockheed Martin (October 24th, 2023)

(T7) Canales, D.; “Multi-Body Dynamics Research in Different Space Applications”, at the Invited Semi- nar series in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at University of Florida (September 21st 2023)

(T6) Canales, D.; “Space trajectories and applications research in augmented reality”, at the REU 2023 in Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (May 16th 2023)

(T5) Canales, D.; “Space trajectories and applications research”, at the Jack and Ann Waddey Invited Seminar in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Auburn University (February 10th 2023)

(T4) Canales, D.; “Space engineering in Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University”, in USRA Regional Meet- ing at Florida Tech, Palm Bay (2022)

(T3) Canales, D.; “Incorporation of trajectory behaviors in the vicinities of different planetary moons using Finite-Time Lyapunov Exponent maps”, in a conference to the Panamerican Society of Modeling Methods in Engineering and Applied Sciences (Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, 2022)

(T2) Canales, D.; “Multi-Body Dynamics and Space Applications”, in a presentation to the Industry Advisory Board of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (Daytona Beach, 2022).

(T1) Canales, D.; “Leveraging multi-body dynamics for planning expeditions of the Solar system and for the surveillance of the Cislunar region”, in a Workshop Dynamics and Control of Embry-Riddle Aero- nautical University (Daytona Beach, 2021).

Technology Booths

(TB1) Presenting our Augmented Reality prototype for trajectory design at the world largest modeling, training and simulation event; I/ITSEC 2023, Orlando; November 2023.

Dr. David Canales is deeply committed to open science, ensuring that our research is reproducible by providing detailed explanations of our methods and making our data and code publicly accessible through open access platforms: